Elsie | Inside!

After the hard core push a couple of weeks ago to finish the major work on Elsie we've just been "putzing" in her doing a little here and a little there. It was a big night for me when I hung all the curtains and put in the cushions - the end was in sight!

Since then I've been cleaning and adding all her vintage accessories and purchasing what else she needs. I've waited and waited to do her official reveal pics because I wanted her to be truly done when I did. However, I'm not sure if that day will ever come! The tall one still has to tinker with some of the electrical and reinstall a few light fixtures. He replaced the tail lights this week and now one of us has to install the panelling in the storage room so we can put in shelves and start packing. We leave for the lake in 3 sleeps... yeah. What gets done will get done and so I've let go of my "perfect picture" dreams and you get to see her now as she is.

Here is the dining area :) It obviously also turns into a bed. I just painted the table today with Krylon Plastic Fushion. I'm quite impressed with the results. It went right over arborite and covered well. I just used a paper bag (as a fine grit sandpaper) to smooth in between coats.


I'm pretty excited about the clock you'll see on the shelf to the left. It was my mother-in-laws and we were able to grab it from the basement stash when we first got married. I've stored it since then waiting for the perfect place to display it and it's perfect in Elsie! In the mirrored case on top there are fiber optic flowers that light up and turn different colours. It's magical.

The door to the outside.


The kitchen. We left the stove the original colour. I'd still like to paint the counter top white but don't relish taping off and spraying in an enclosed place.

The living room/master bedroom :) The couch pulls out into a bed and the bunk comes down.

Magazine rack stocked with some good reads for the lake!

 And a longer view of the dining and kitchen area.

 All in all I am super happy with the results! Elsie is so perfectly "us". She feels homey and bright. I smile every time I walk into her.

We're hauling her way up North at the end of this week and I'm sure there will be many more pics to come! I'm also hoping to do a post on the fun random gifts we received from friends that "just belonged in Elsie!"


  1. You are so talented & creative! Great job giving Elsie a stunning facelift!

  2. Wow! That is absolutely amazing. The colors are to die for! Love it.

  3. Wicked cool.
    Instead of painting the counter top I'm sure you could get a new one made out of a wicked plastic laminate (you could even do it yourself if you had a laminate trimmer). My guess is that it would be $100-200.
    Cool, all the same.

  4. This is incredible. Truly incredible. Wow.

  5. oh my gosh... so cute! now that may just change my whole view on camping! wonderful job! : )

  6. where did you get your paint colors? I love the turquoise-so bright and cheery. You did an amazing job!!!

    1. Yikes - I can't even remember! I think I saw a colour on Pinterest and tried to match the pic on my phone to paint samples at Home Hardware! lol.

  7. Hi Monique,

    What a beauty you made! Wow!
    In Holland we just started a blog on redoing caravans: caravanity.nl.
    I was wondering if I could use your beautiful pics and use it as an inspiration for others? Ofcourse we'll mention your blog.

    Please inform me! Kind regards, Femke

    1. I just emailed you - sorry I've been away on holidays!

  8. I love this! I love the colors I love it all!

  9. Completely in love with Elsie. So happy I found your blog!

  10. I want to live here! Wow she's beautiful!!

  11. Hi- would you mind sharing the fabric you used as curtains? Its great!!

    1. Hi, absolutely! The fabric is from Heather Bailey's Pop Garden and is called Rose Bouquet. Heather actually did a blog post featuring Elsie and the use of her fabric. You can see it here! http://heatherbailey.typepad.com/heather_bailey/2011/10/meet-elsie.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+HELLOmynameisHeather+(HELLOmynameisHeather)

  12. i love your blog and your awesome vintage camper! i am searching for the right one for our family and i love your ideas! hopefully you believe that copying someone is the highest form of flattery! good luck in all of your adventures. my blog is: www.photo-grafs.blogspot.com

    perhaps in the {near} future i will be hosting pictures of my demo and designs as well!!

  13. Thank you so much! I hope you find the perfect camper and have a BLAST redoing it! Such a fun project and creates a space to make so many happy family memories. I'll be sure to check your blog for pics of your reno!

  14. Can you tell me the beautiful bluish paint color and brand? It is such a gorgeous remodel. I am so happy when I look at the photos!!!!

  15. Iā€™m just seeing this charming whimsical Elsie in Pinterest. Kudos to your creativity. Curious about the trailer brand- nice layout what is it? Thanks for sharing and inspiration.

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