
Good friends of ours (the Vanderwals) are moving away. It's heartbreaking but we are excited for them and what God will do in this new adventure they're embarking on. With a possible moving date of September 23 we decided to throw one last hurrah over the long weekend. In that "Staycation 2011" was born. Us, the Tregoning's and the Vanderwalls packed up, drove two minutes across town, and unloaded all of our stuff into the Treg's house for a weekend celebration.

Between the three families we have 8 children aged 4 and under. The Treg's and Vanderbots are blood family but we've been blessed to be "family" with them all as well and our kids act very much like siblings and cousins.

Our goal for the weekend was simply to spend time together and have fun. We did both - abundantly!

We played in the playhouse.

We chillaxed and read magazines on the deck. Auntie Megs read "DIY" to Hanny :)

We caught and "played" with caterpillars... and swords.

Fuzzy little caterpillar peed on Kayd. Buckies.

We set the caterpillar free on the tree...

Hanny found him and smooshed loved him to death. Yikes. The boys exclaimed, "Look he pooped!" Let's just go with that we decided (not that she exploded the caterpillars guts all over the sidewalk.)

We jumped in the bounce house, wrestled in the bounce house, jumped from the slide into the bounce house (as taught by Uncle Nick)...

 and rested in the bounce house.

We played swords. A lot.

We cuddled and watched shows.

We played Fruit Ninja on the Xbox Kinect.

Hi-Yah! Stellar ninja moves.

Good form boys.

We set up a projector and watched movies outside.

Hanny and Kesler even cuddled a bit. This is big step for Kessy who usually only loves Hanny from afar :)


We ate gummy "wormans."

and suckers...

Bentley is adorable. Just saying.

All set up. Waiting for it to get dark!

All set!

Hanny pants all bundled up.

Kayden all bundled up.


Lunch and craft time.

It was a fabulous weekend and we were all ridiculously exhausted when it was over. There aren't even words to explain how much the Vanderbots mean to us and how much we'll miss them. In that though we thank God for the blessing of having them so close geographically for the last 4 years, for the memories made, the community developed, and the friendship that will continue.


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