Rubber Boot Makeover | DIY

I have a disease. It's called "Leave things outside and not care until they are wrecked." I don't know why I do it but I do it. Too often.

My rubber boots were the victim this time. I was so excited last spring to wear my "pretty" rubber boots while playing in the puddles with my son. One day they got pretty muddy so I left them on veranda. For a year.

They yellowed in the sun and no matter how much Melaleuca I soaked and scrubbed them in they would just not get clean. "So what?" says the tall one. "They're just rubber boots. They'll get dirty anyways." He so just does not get it. Cute rubber boots are pretty high on the list of mom fashion.
"Can I buy new rubber boots?" I asked.
"Do these still work?" he asked.

So... I set out to makeover my ruined boots. I'm pretty sure you can spray paint everything so I painted them :)

Next time: Prime them first because the yellow didn't do a good job of hiding the plaid. I painted, then primed and then painted again.

Now the plan was to use paper doilies spray glued to the boot and then sprayed with white paint to make super cool doily designs but they wouldn't stay tight enough to the boot and the paint ran making an ugly blog. I gave up and decided to stick with yellow and embellish in another way.

I took an old sweater that doesn't fit anymore and cut off the sleeve (in a straight line).

Then I placed the sleeve in the boot and folded it over.

I was initially worried about the edge fraying and hemmed it but because it was stretchy it made it all wonky and so I cut it off.

I grabbed 6 yellow buttons from my collection and hot glued 3 on each boot on the outer side of the boot. I think they look quite cute and countryish!

So even if you do take care of your things and don't have to repaint your boots, the sweater sleeve cuff is a super easy, no sew embellishment that looks pretty cute and is cozy against your skin!


  1. oooo i just love these! so cute! and a great tutorial

  2. What kind of paint did you use? I tried Krylon spray paint for plastics on my rubber boots and they are still sticky wet after 24 hours.

  3. Does the paint stay on in the rain?

  4. Hi! Sorry just saw the comments! I can't remember if I updated in a later post or not but it turns out this was a bit of an epic fail. I didn't use the right paint at all and ended up having to buy new boots anyways :( I've heard though that using a paint recommended for rubber would work...

  5. You should try Plutoniumā„¢ Paint (SprayPaint) / Made In The USA

  6. When it comes to boots, youā€™re going to get what you pay for usually. Anything made well, with comfort and durability in mind, is going to have a price tag. muck boots for hunting


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