ifamily | Pretty Sweet Boy Date
You most likely notice that I reference blogs a lot in the column and the reason is that after over two years of writing columns every week I can at times be hard pressed to come up with new and fresh ideas. This week I found a great “boy date” idea at “A Blog Full of Weldons” and wanted to share it here.
Getting into the practice of going on dates with your children in order to achieve good quality one on one time is a) wise, b) fulfilling and c) fun. My three year-old son consistently asks either myself or my husband “Can we go on a date tonight?” and I love that he can tell us and initiate when he feels like he needs that one on one time. Living in a smaller community can at times feel limiting in the options available for these dates but this idea can be done absolutely anywhere.
Angie from the above blog decided to surprise her eldest son at his naptime by popping into his room and telling him to get up and get ready because they were going on an adventure. I love how she added to the fun by letting him out of something that is usually non-negotiable (at least in my house!) She then took him to the grocery store and let him pick out his favourite treat (just for him) and then headed to the thrift store. There she told him he could pick out any electronic item within a certain price range. He picked out an old clock radio. When they arrived home she explained that because he is always interested in how things work and “fixing’ things that he was allowed to totally take the clock radio apart. Things got really interesting when they found the screwdrivers just weren’t cutting it and he proceeded to use a hammer to totally obliterate the radio. They then examined every little piece of the device and her son was absolutely thrilled. The artist in me also thinks that you could extend the activity by gluing all the parts to a canvas and creating some abstract art!
I think this is such a fun and creative idea and she informed that her son still talks about it everyday!(As published in Estevan Lifestyles)
Thanks Angie for allowing me to share your idea!
I'm still waiting to do this with my own son - things have just been far too crazy around here. So, I'll save this sweet date for a day I really need it. Which will likely be sooner than later as it's almost the end of March and we're supposed to have another blizzard today (insert pity party here).
Since I don't have my own pics of this date (but be sure to check out Angie's) I'll give a you a few of my fave pics of "the boy one" from this month. He's growing up into such an amazing kid!
These are some of the newest dance moves he's added to his extensive repertoire :) He's got mad skills!

Sigh... who wouldn't want to date this cutie?
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