Stars Hollow Tee

Anyone else out there that secretly or not so secretly wants to live in Stars Hollow?

Cause I do. But just because it's fictional doesn't mean I can't wear the t-shirt!

I was inspired by Chalk Full of Love's adorable "Stars Hollow Fall Festival" sweatshirt and mugs. Click the link - are they not adorable? I wanted something with more of a year round vibe though and in a tee so I endeavoured to be crafty and whipped this cute tee up!

 First off I went in search of a good fitting "drapey" tee (which is a feat in itself, right?). I scored this one at Ardenes for 70% off so yay!

Next up I created a cut file on my silhouette. I used the font Magnolia Sky for the script and Franklin Gothic Book for the "established". For once in my life I didn't over think it and it came together super quickly! I just measured roughly how much space I wanted it to take up on the shirt (8" x 6") and stayed within those parameters. I did google when Stars Hollow was established and it is 1779 so you're welcome ;)

I'm a huge fan of using freezer paper to create stencils for use on fabric. It's cheap and simple. Just place the freezer paper on your cutting mat (shiny side down) and load to print. Set your machine to cut slowly so you don't tear the paper. 

Once you peel the parts you want the paint to go in you're at the tricky part. It's not overly hard but it is annoying to transfer the stencil to the shirt. I tried the transfer paper but it was just too sticky and hard to manage so I just peeled the majority of the stencil and ironed it onto the shirt and then went back and added all the little centres to "o's" and such and ironed those on. It's a little finnicky but still worked fine. 

Once you have it ironed on, place a cardboard piece inside the shirt (to avoid paint seepage) and start painting it in. I used 2 parts folk art white paint mixed with 1 part fabric medium but I have never used fabric medium in the past and it worked fine. This time I just happened to have it on hand. 

I did 3 coats of paint letting it dry in between. Then I let it dry overnight and heat set it in the morning with an iron (after peeling the stencil off). 

I felt like the tee would be best showcased in a white gazebo like they have in the centre of Stars Hollow... so I crashed an elderly care home to use their gazebo lol. Don't worry, I asked if I could!

If you need me I'll just be at Luke's Diner sipping a cup of Joe with my bestie Loreli ;)



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