My daughter puts everything in her mouth. She also has a thing for textiles and patterns and her favourite things to chew on are the strings of her Daddy's hoodie :) One of her little friends had this great little blanket with a bunch of tabs for playing with and chewing - how perfect. It looked pretty easy to make and so I made one and you can too! Start to finish it only took about 15- 20 minutes.
First cut 2 squares of 10 inch x 10 inch fabric. I chose a flannel and that "binky" fabric.

Next cut 16-18 pieces of various ribbon that measure approximately 3 inches long each.

Place right sides of fabric facing each other. Fold a piece of ribbon in half and lay it with the looped side pointing into the fabric and pin.

Remember that your baby loves hoodie strings and go on a search to find some and then realize you have about a thousand baby gift bags with strings! Cut one out!

Continue with the looped ribbons all around your square of fabric. Place as many as you like depending on the width of your ribbons. Sew with a 1/4 inch seam allowance all the way around the squares but leave a 2 inch opening on one side.

Here's the small opening :)

Turn the blanket right side out. Use a pen to help push fabric through the hole.

Add one more piece of ribbon (this time facing out) and sew the hole shut. Backstitch.

Observe your daughter who has been happily chewing on your cardigan during the entirety of this project.

Replace your cardigan with new "meant for chewing" tab blanket. Success!

Super easy and quick and would make great shower gifts!
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