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How I Plan Our Homeschool Days

I've been getting a lot of questions about planning so I thought it'd be worth doing a blog post about it. I rather enjoy planning - that's the span of time all of the creative ideas come together, everything looks pretty on paper and no children have messed up the plan with their attitude or lack of cooperation ;) Ha.  Now don't get offended - I love teaching and we have so many beautiful educational moments but we also have hard ones and often my best laid plans don't go exactly as they went in my head.  My planning process is one of a million, there are so many ways to do it and so much depends on personal preference, personality, and family dynamics. That said, I know it can be super helpful to get a peek into someone else's process and take anything that might work for you! When I taught in the public system full time I was required to meet the outcomes outlined in the Saskatchewan Curriculum. For the most part, topics and content areas ...

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